═══ 1. Index ═══ The message index window contains a help entry for all major windows within the system. Click for HELP with fields on this form: o +Network Configuration o +Message Header o +Pick Address o +Pick Folder o +User Preferences o +Prompting Options o +Printer Settings o +Address Book o +Folder o +Address list o +Password o +Reply Address o +Printers o +POP3 Counter o +Message o +Tab Expansion o +Edit Search o Pick Synonym o Pick Word o Print Options o +Symbol Chart o +Save File Overwrite Warning o Format options o Format options2 o Sorts o Folder Sort o List Search o +Message Header Display o About o Color select o Colors o Exit o Login o +Change Password o +Distribution Group Maintenance o +Group Address Entry o +Registration o Find o Working o +Filter Maintenance o +Advanced Features o General Form/Window Help ═══ 2. Network Configuration ═══ This panel allows you to configure MR/2 ICE for operation with your specific Internet Services Provider (ISP). Click for HELP with fields on this form: o SMTP Receive o POP3 Receive o SMTP Send o POP3 Send o Tab Name o From o Reply-To o SMTP Host Name o Mail path o POP3 Host Name o POP3 User Name o POP3 Password o Advanced settings General help for forms/windows ═══ 2.1. SMTP Receive ═══ Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is one method of receiving mail. When using this protocol, SENDMAIL receives mail and places it in a specified directory. MR/2 ICE will poll this directory periodically for new mail. This is not the most widely used method of receiving mail. o General Settings Help o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 2.2. POP3 Receive ═══ Post Office Protocol (POP) is one method of receiving mail. When using this method, MR/2 ICE logs into a mail server and polls for new messages. This is the most common method of receiving mail. o General Settings Help o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 2.3. SMTP Send ═══ Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is one method of sending mail. Please contact your internet service provider (ISP) to determine if you need this protocol. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 2.4. POP3 Send ═══ Post Office Protocol (POP) is one method of receiving mail. Please contact your internet service provider (ISP) to determine if you need this protocol. o General Settings Help o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 2.5. Tab Name ═══ You may use this setting to customize the Tab name (default "MAIL") for your mail window. o General Settings Help o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 2.6. From ═══ This is normally your email address. It will be placed inside all email you send. It is related to (but is not necessarily the same as) the Reply-To field. You may enter a simple email address (such as nick@secant.com) or one of the more normalized forms which will show your real name (or any test message you wish), such as "Nick Knight" or nick@secant.com (Nick Knight) o General Settings Help o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 2.7. Reply-To ═══ This is normally your email address. You do not need to specify it unless it is different from your FROM address. It will be placed inside all email you send. It is related to (but is not necessarily the same as) the From field. You may enter a simple email address (such as nick@secant.com) or one of the more normalized forms which will show your real name (or any test message you wish), such as "Nick Knight" or nick@secant.com (Nick Knight) o General Settings Help o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 2.8. SMTP Host Name ═══ This is the location MR/2 ICE must connect to in order to perform SMTP operations, such as 'popmail.ibm.net'. o General Settings Help o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 2.9. Mail Path ═══ In SMTP receive mode, SENDMAIL.EXE delivers messages to a Local Delivery Agent (MR2iLDA.EXE is supplied for ICE). MR2iLDA.EXE stores messages as files in the specified directory. In SMTP delivery mode, ICE scans the specified directory for new files (messages). This setting does not apply for POP3 configurations. o General Settings Help o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 2.10. POP3 Host Name ═══ This is the location MR/2 ICE must connect to in order to perform POP3 operations, such as 'popmail.ibm.net'. o General Settings Help o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 2.11. POP3 Username ═══ This is your POP3 user name, which is used to log into the POP3 server, such as nsecant. If you do not know your POP3 username, and you're using a POP3 server, please contact your Internet Services Provider (ISP). Note: MR/2 ICE will normally obtain this setting from your Internet Access Kit (IAK) dialer settings. o General Settings Help o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 2.12. POP3 Password ═══ This is your POP3 password, which is used to log into the POP3 server, such as 'password'. If you do not know your POP3 password, and you're using a POP3 server, please contact your Internet Services Provider (ISP) for it. Note: MR/2 ICE will normally obtain this setting from your Internet Access Kit (IAK) dialer settings. o General Settings Help o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 2.13. Advanced settings ═══ o General Settings Help o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 3. Message header ═══ This panel allows you to specify the control header information of your message. Click for HELP with fields on this form: o To o Subject o CC o BCC o OK o Cancel o Include quote of original message o Send immediately (otherwise message will be held) o Save a copy of this message in your outbox o Request a return receipt o Template o TO lookup o CC lookup o BCC lookup General help for forms/windows ═══ 3.1. To ═══ This is where destination email address(es) are entered. You may enter one or more addresses (separated by ","). Each address may be a simple email address (such as nick@secant.com) or one of the more normalized forms which will show the real name of the message recipient, such as "Nick Knight" or nick@secant.com (Nick Knight). If you are utilitizing the address book feature, you can enter in a "tag" or "alias" and MR/2 ICE will fill in the full address for you when you move to the next field. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 3.2. Subject ═══ Enter the subject of your message here. Although it is technically OK to skip entering a subject, MR/2 ICE will warn you if you leave it blank as it is usually not intended to be blank. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 3.3. CC ═══ This is where additional email address(es) are entered. The carbon copy field is usually used to allow recipients to read a message they may be interested in, but which is not directly intended for them. You may enter a simple email address (such as nick@secant.com) or one of the more normalized forms which will show the real name of the message recipient, such as "Nick Knight" or nick@secant.com (Nick Knight). If you are utilitizing the address book feature, you can enter in a "tag" or "alias" and MR/2 ICE will fill in the full address for you when you move to the next field. Enter a list of simple or normalized email addresses to receive copies of this message. All recipients of the message will be able to determine the sender, main recipient, and all other "carbon copy" recipients. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 3.4. BCC ═══ This is where additional Blind Carbon Copy email address(es) are entered (addresses that you do not want the main recipient(s) specified in "TO" and "CC" to know about. You may enter a simple email address (such as nick@secant.com) or one of the more normalized forms which will show the real name of the message recipient, such as "Nick Knight" or nick@secant.com (Nick Knight). If you are utilitizing the address book feature, you can enter in a "tag" or "alias" and MR/2 ICE will fill in the full address for you when you move to the next field. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 3.5. OK ═══ Click on the OK button to accept the entries on this panel. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 3.6. Cancel ═══ Click on the Cancel button to discard the entries on this panel. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 3.7. Include quote of original message ═══ This setting determines whether you will receive a quote of the original message in your editor. If this feature is selected, you get each line prefixed by the quote prefix character(s), such as "->Original messsage". o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 3.8. Send immediately (otherwise message will be held) ═══ MR/2 ICE can either send messages immediately when you select SEND, or hold them for batch transmission at a later date/time. If configured appropriately MR/2 ICE will try to send mail whenever it checks to see if you have new mail. If, however, you have automatic polling disabled, you can still use this feature to mark a batch of "saved" messages and send them all at once. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 3.9. Save a copy of this message in your outbox ═══ By default, MR/2 ICE will save a copy of all messages you send in your outbox. However, if you are short on disk space, you may wish to disable this option. However, if you disable this option, you will have no record of the messages you've sent. It is usually desirable to be able to refer back to your outbox for previously sent messages. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 3.10. Request a return receipt ═══ If possible, you will receive a return receipt which will show that the sent message has been received. Note: This does not mean the recipient has received or read the message -- only that their Mail Server has received it. Note: The lack of a return receipt may mean the remote server doesn't support this feature. The message may, in fact, have reached the destination address. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 3.11. Template ═══ MR/2 ICE allows you to define templates to expedite certain types of messages. The "Default Reply Template" is the default template used when creating or replying to messages. To use a different one, select it from the list. To customize the 'Default Reply Template', select Utilities-->Template Maintenance to edit the templates. The template file contains "boilerplate" text (text patterns) to use for replying, new messages and several other miscellaneous functions. The template file is broken into "sections". A section starts with the name of the section to follow, enclosed within accent characters, "`". For example, denote the start of the Default Reply Template section by entering a line containing the marker `Default Reply Template`. The section ends at the next section, or at end of file. When MR/2 is to create a message file for you to edit, it creates this file from the selected template section. MR/2 ICE copies the template section to the message file before you begin editing it. At this time, MR/2 ICE also expands any any variable names (words wrapped between "@" symbols). Use the special marker "$Body" to denote where any quoted text should be placed, or where the new text (for a "new" message) starts. This allows for an "attribution line" at the beginning of the message to contain such things as the message date and/or time, the user names involved, etc.,. In fact, an attribution line can actually be several lines; as many lines as you would like to use. The same principle applies to a signature or closure line. The signature section may consist of several lines, a list of your common email address, for example. Entering a line beginning with ";;" in the template file denotes that line as a comment. Comment lines are ignored. Template Variables The following variables are recognized in MR/2 ICE: ┌──────────────┬─────────────────────────┐ │AMPM │The time of day, either │ │ │"AM" or "PM" as defined │ │ │by the current system │ │ │time. │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │CENTER │This is a modifier and │ │ │does not actually cause │ │ │data to be placed in the │ │ │text. It modifies the │ │ │way the next variable is │ │ │formatted. The very next │ │ │variable will be centered│ │ │either between column 1 │ │ │and the defined │ │ │"WrapLinesAtColumn" │ │ │setting, or centered over│ │ │a given column. For │ │ │example, │ │ │"@Center@@ConfName@" will│ │ │center the current │ │ │conference name between │ │ │the message's margins. │ │ │Using │ │ │"@Center:20@@ConfName@" │ │ │will center the │ │ │conference name over │ │ │column 20. │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │COL │This is a modifier and │ │ │does not actually cause │ │ │data to be placed in the │ │ │text. It modifies the │ │ │way the next variable is │ │ │formatted. The very next │ │ │variable will be placed │ │ │at the column specified │ │ │by this variable. For │ │ │example, │ │ │"@Col:20@@ConfName@" will│ │ │place the current │ │ │conference name on column│ │ │20 of the current line. │ │ │Negative columns are │ │ │allowed and will result │ │ │in the specified number │ │ │of characters being │ │ │removed at the end of the│ │ │current line before the │ │ │next text is placed. │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │DATE │The current system time │ │ │in MM/DD/YY format. │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │DAY │The literal for the │ │ │current system day of the│ │ │week (e.g., "Saturday"). │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │FROM FROMFIRST│The original message │ │FROMLAST │"FROM" user's name. │ │ │Accessible as a whole or │ │ │by first and last. │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │IDATE │The "Date" line from an │ │ │Internet messages, if │ │ │found, otherwise it is │ │ │replaced as the DATE │ │ │variable. │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │INTERNET │Will contain the Internet│ │ │address of the sender of │ │ │an Internet or Usenet │ │ │message. In a new │ │ │message, the address book│ │ │can control the value of │ │ │this variable. │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │ISUBJECT │The "Subject" line from │ │ │an Internet messages, if │ │ │found, otherwise it is │ │ │replaced as the Subject │ │ │variable. │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │ITIME │The "Time" line from an │ │ │Internet messages, if │ │ │found, otherwise it is │ │ │replaced as the TIME │ │ │variable. │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │JULIAN │The current system date │ │ │as a 3 digit Julian date.│ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │LOWER │This is a modifier and │ │ │does not actually cause │ │ │data to be placed in the │ │ │text. It modifies the │ │ │way the next variable is │ │ │formatted. The very next│ │ │variable will be │ │ │converted to all lower │ │ │case letters before its │ │ │data is inserted into the│ │ │text. │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │MIX │This is a modifier and │ │ │does not actually cause │ │ │data to be placed in the │ │ │text. It modifies the │ │ │way the next variable is │ │ │formatted. The very next│ │ │variable will be │ │ │converted to simple │ │ │"mixed" case before its │ │ │data is inserted into the│ │ │text. That is, the first│ │ │letter of each word will │ │ │be capitalized, all other│ │ │letters converted to │ │ │lower case. │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │MSGDATE │The date of the current │ │ │message as found in the │ │ │header. │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │MSGTIME │The time of the current │ │ │message as found in the │ │ │header. │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │RCOL │This is a modifier and │ │ │does not actually cause │ │ │data to be placed in the │ │ │text. It modifies the │ │ │way the next variable is │ │ │formatted. The very next│ │ │variable will be │ │ │right-justified against a│ │ │specified column, or the │ │ │defined right margin (the│ │ │"WrapLinesAtColumn" │ │ │setting). For example, │ │ │"@RCol@@ConfName@" will │ │ │right justify the current│ │ │conference name at the │ │ │message's right margin. │ │ │Using │ │ │"@RCol:50@@ConfName@" │ │ │will right justify the │ │ │conference name to the │ │ │left of column 60. │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │SERIALNUMBER │This variable contains │ │ │your MR/2 serial number │ │ │if you are a registered │ │ │user. │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │SUBJECT │Contains the current │ │ │message's subject string.│ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │TARGETTO │The message's targeted │ │TARGETTOFIRST │"TO" user name. │ │TARGETTOLAST │Accessible as a whole or │ │ │by first and last. This │ │ │can often be different │ │ │when a reply is sent to a│ │ │different user or │ │ │"toggled" to be directed │ │ │to the original message's│ │ │TO user. │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │TIME │The current system time │ │ │in 12 hour format. │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │TIME24 │The current system time │ │ │in 24 hour format │ │ │(military time). │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │TO TOFIRST │The original message "TO"│ │TOLAST │user's name. Accessible │ │ │as a whole or by first │ │ │and last. │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │UPPER │This is a modifier and │ │ │does not actually cause │ │ │data to be placed in the │ │ │text. It modifies the │ │ │way the next variable is │ │ │formatted. The very next │ │ │variable will be │ │ │converted to all upper │ │ │case letters before its │ │ │data is inserted into the│ │ │text. │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │USERNAME │Your user name as it │ │ │appears in the BBS's │ │ │control file. This is │ │ │usually the same name as │ │ │you use to sign on to the│ │ │packet's source BBS, and │ │ │the same name that │ │ │appears in your │ │ │"personal" messages. │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │VERSION │This variable hold the │ │ │current MR/2 version │ │ │string. For example │ │ │"v2.0". │ ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────┤ │YYMMDD │The current system date │ │ │in YYMMDD format. │ └──────────────┴─────────────────────────┘ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 3.12. TO lookup ═══ This field allows you to access the Address Book for the TO field. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 3.13. CC lookup ═══ This field allows you to access the Address Book for the CC field. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 3.14. BCC lookup ═══ This field allows you to access the Address Book for the BCC field. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 4. Pick address ═══ This panel allows you to select from and/or maintain your address book. Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Index list o OK o Cancel General help for forms/windows ═══ 4.1. Index list ═══ Select the appropriate address entry here. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 4.2. OK ═══ Click on the OK button to accept the entries on this panel. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 4.3. Cancel ═══ Click on the Cancel button to discard the entries on this panel. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 5. Pick folder ═══ This window allows you to manage folders within MR/2 ICE. MR/2 ICE uses folders to categorize messages and keep the inbox from getting cluttered. You can define as many folders are you like. You can also define filters which automatically categorize your messages for you. Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Index list o OK o Cancel o New General help for forms/windows ═══ 5.1. Index list ═══ Select a folder for editing from this list. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 5.2. OK ═══ Click on the OK button to edit the selected entry. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 5.3. Cancel ═══ Select Cancel to erase this window. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 5.4. New ═══ Select new to create a new folder. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 6. User Preferences ═══ Settings configured here become the default settings used throughout MR/2 ICE. In some cases, settings can be overwritten while executing operations. For instance, you can change whether you want a reply to quote the original message when you choose to reply. You may set it to No while replying to a message while leaving the default set to Yes to handle the majority of situations. Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Time o Automatically check for new mail o Automatically send new mail when created o Queue unsent mail at program start o Remove messages from server after they are fetched o Save copies of all outgoing message o Show message headers inside viewer o Include message header inside message editor o Automatically invoke header editing BEFORE message editor o Automatically invoke header editing AFTER message editor o Reformat the text of outgoing messages (wrap lines at: o Wrap Lines At o Quote original message when reply o Periodic beep when new mail exists 'in the background' o Always use external editor o Stay on same message after replying o Start reply editor in split screen mode o External Editor o Quote Prefix General help for forms/windows ═══ 6.1. Time ═══ Input the frequency (in minutes) you want MR/2 ICE to check for new mail. Note: This setting does not take effect if MR/2 ICE is started with the "/S" (Disble polling) parameter. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 6.2. Automatically check for new mail ═══ This setting configures whether you want MR/2 ICE to automatically check for mail, or only when manually requested to do so. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 6.3. Automatically send new mail when created ═══ This setting controls whether mail is automatically sent after it is created. If this settings is not enabled, mail will be queued for later transmission. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 6.4. Queue unsent mail at program start ═══ This setting will cause MR/2 to attempt to send any mail which was queued for transmission during a previous session, but was not successfully sent. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 6.5. Remove messages from server after they are fetched ═══ This setting controls whether messages are deleted from the mail sever after they are fetched. In situations where mail is received from multiple locations, it may be desirable to disable this setting for all but the primary location. This will allow you to check mail from multiple machines while consolidating saved messages at one machine. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 6.6. Save copies of all outgoing message ═══ This setting determines whether MR/2 ICE saves a copy of your outgoing message. By default, MR/2 ICE will save a copy of all messages you send in your outbox. However, if you are short on disk space, you may wish to disable this option. However, if you disable this option, you will have no record of the messages you've sent. It is usually desirable to be able to refer back to your outbox for previously sent messages. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 6.7. Show message headers inside viewer ═══ This setting controls whether MR/2 ICE will default to the header area of a message or the text area. If this setting is disabled, you can still access the header by paging up while in the viewer, or by selecting the "Header" button when composing messages. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 6.8. Include message header inside message editor ═══ This setting controls whether MR/2 ICE will include the header area of a message in the editing window. This will allow you to customize the header. However, it will also allow you to corrupt the header. If the header is corrupted, the message may be undeliverable. For this reason, the default is "No". If this setting is disabled, you can still access the standard header fields selecting the Header button. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 6.9. Automatically invoke header editing BEFORE message editor ═══ This setting determines whether you want to edit the standard header before composing a message. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 6.10. Automatically invoke header editing AFTER message editor ═══ This setting determines whether you want to edit the standard header after composing a message. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 6.11. Reformat the text of outgoing messages ═══ This setting determines whether you want MR/2 ICE to reformat messages to fit within set margin parameters. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 6.12. Wrap Lines At ═══ This setting determines the right margin used for wrapping text (if wrapping enabled). o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 6.13. Quote original message when reply ═══ This setting determines whether you want the text of the original message included when you are replying to a message. This can help the recipient(s) of the reply in remembering what is being replied to. If this setting is enabled, the Quote Prefix must also be filled in. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 6.14. Periodic beep when new mail exists 'in the background' ═══ This setting control whether MR/2 ICE will beep or not when new mail is received while the application is in the background. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 6.15. Always use external editor ═══ This setting controls whether an external editor is used for composing messages. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 6.16. Stay on same message after replying ═══ This setting controls whether MR/2 will return to the original message after a reply, or not. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 6.17. Start reply editor in split screen mode ═══ This determines whether MR/2 ICE will start the reply editor with the original message and reply message both visible in split screen mode. Note: This setting does not apply when an external editor is used. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 6.18. External Editor ═══ This setting allows you to specify the name of the external editor to use for composing messages. It is required if Always use external editor is enabled, and is not used unless that setting is enabled. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 6.19. Quote Prefix ═══ This is the quote prefix used when Quote original message when reply is enabled. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 7. Prompting Options ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Blank subject warnings o Hint bubbles on index screens o Hint bubbles on message viewer o Show new message count in task list and with icon o Questionable message header warning o Hint Bubble Delay o Message deletion from viewer o Message deletion from index form o Message printing from index form o Exit MR/2 ICE with windows open o Exit MR/2 ICE (no windows open) o Open Windows Warning o Open Windows Threshhold o POP3 counter reset when counts are inconsistent General help for forms/windows ═══ 7.1. Blank subject warnings ═══ Enable this setting to have MR/2 ICE warn you when the subject line is blank. MR/2 ICE will still allow you to enter the message with a blank subject. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 7.2. Hint bubbles on index screens ═══ Enable this setting to allow MR/2 ICE to display hints when the mouse is left over an icon for a time period specified by the Hint Bubble Delay time period. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 7.3. Hint bubbles on message viewer ═══ Enable this setting to allow MR/2 ICE to display hints when the mouse is left over an icon for a time period specified by the Hint Bubble Delay time period. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 7.4. Show new message count in task list and with icon ═══ Enable this setting to allow MR/2 ICE to display the number of new messages found since the last check. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 7.5. Questionable message header warning ═══ Enable this setting to have MR/2 ICE warn you if it did not find the header fields it was looking for before the first blank line of the message file. This sometimes happens when the message header gets modified too many times while making its way through the Internet. MR/2 *did* find the fields it was looking for past this line, but since this is, by definition, the "body" of the message, data from these fields should be checked for accuracy. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 7.6. Hint Bubble Delay ═══ This setting specifies the time period the mouse pointer must hover over an icon before Bubble Hints are displayed. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 7.7. Message deletion from viewer ═══ This setting determines whether MR/2 ICE is allowed to delete messages from the message viewer or not. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 7.8. Message deletion from index form ═══ This setting determines whether MR/2 ICE is allowed to delete messages from the message index window. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 7.9. Message printing from index form ═══ This setting determines whether MR/2 ICE is allowed to print messages from the message index window. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 7.10. Exit MR/2 ICE with windows open ═══ This setting determines whether MR/2 ICE will exit without warning if there are windows open. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 7.11. Exit MR/2 ICE (no windows open) ═══ This setting determines whether MR/2 ICE will exit without warning if there aren't any windows open. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 7.12. Open Windows Warning ═══ This settings determines whether you want MR/2 ICE to warn you about the number of message windows you have open if they exceed a certain threshhold. The more message windows you have open, the more resources MR/2 ICE will use. The threshhold is specified by the Open Windows Threshhold setting. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 7.13. Open Windows Threshhold ═══ This settings determines at what point MR/2 ICE will warn you about the number of message windows you have open. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 7.14. POP3 counter reset when counts are inconsistent ═══ This setting determines whether you want MR/2 ICE to reset its message counter if it is inconsistent with the counter on your POP3 server. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8. Printer Settings ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Prompt for option confirmation before printing o Include complete message header o Style o Lpt1 o Lpt2 o Lpt3 o LPT other o Other o Formatted o Draft o Printer setup o Fonts o Form Feed o Letter o Legal o Executive o A4 o A3 o Tms Roman o Helvetica o Courier o Point Size General help for forms/windows ═══ 8.1. Prompt for option confirmation before printing ═══ Enable this setting to have MR/2 ICE prompt you for printing options confirmation before printing. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8.2. Include complete message header ═══ Enable this setting to have MR/2 include the complete message header in the printed output. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8.3. Style ═══ Select the default printing style for printing messages. Note: printer templates are stored in printer.tf and draft.tf for formatted and draft printing respectively. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8.4. LPT1 ═══ Select LPT1 to have printing operations routed to LPT1:. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8.5. LPt2 ═══ Select LPT2 to have printing operations routed to LPT2:. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8.6. LPT3 ═══ Select LPT3 to have printing operations routed to LPT3:. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8.7. LPT other ═══ Select to have printing operations routed to an alternate device, such as a file. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8.8. Other ═══ Enter in the other device (such as a file), where print output should go. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8.9. Formatted ═══ Select this option to have printing default to formatted. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8.10. Draft ═══ Select this option to have printing default to draft. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8.11. Printer setup ═══ Enter in an optional printer setup string here. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8.12. Fonts ═══ Select the default printing font. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8.13. Form Feed ═══ Select whether you want a form feed printed at the end of a printout. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8.14. Letter ═══ Selecting this makes it the default paper size (8.5" x 11"). o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8.15. Legal ═══ Selecting this makes it the default paper size (8.5" x 14"). o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8.16. Executive ═══ Selecting this makes it the default paper size. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8.17. A4 ═══ Selecting this makes it the default paper size. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8.18. A3 ═══ Selecting this makes it the default paper size. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8.19. Tms Roman ═══ Selecting this makes it the default printing font. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8.20. Helvetica ═══ Selecting this makes it the default printing font. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8.21. Courier ═══ Selecting this makes it the default printing font. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 8.22. Point size ═══ Select the default font size for printing. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 9. Address Book ═══ Use the address book to build a list of commonly-used email addresses. This prevents you from having to remember all the details of people you commonly send email to. Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Tag o Name o Address o Display in 'popup' menu (RMB in TO fields) o OK o Cancel o Notes General help for forms/windows ═══ 9.1. Tag ═══ Enter a tag (alias) for this address book entry. This tag causes entry of the full email address when entered in the TO, CC, or BCC fields of a message address header. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 9.2. Name ═══ Enter the full name of the recipient here. MR/2 ICE does not use this field internally other than to display it. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 9.3. Address ═══ Enter the email address associated with this address book entry. You may enter a simple email address (such as nick@secant.com) or one of the more normalized forms which will show your real name (or any test message you wish), such as "Nick Knight" or nick@secant.com (Nick Knight) o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 9.4. Display in 'popup' menu (RMB in TO fields) ═══ Enable this setting to determine whether this address entry will show up in the popup listing when you click on the ? next to the TO, CC, or BCC fields of a message address header. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 9.5. OK ═══ Accept the entries on this window. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 9.6. Cancel ═══ Discard the entries on this window. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 9.7. Notes ═══ Enter additional notes (if any) about the address entry. MR/2 ICE does not use this field internally other than to display it's contents. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 10. Folder ═══ This window allows you to specify information about a folder. Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Name o Tab Text o List in MOVE/COPY folder submenus o OK o Cancel General help for forms/windows ═══ 10.1. Name ═══ Enter the name of the folder. This folder can be any name you wish. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 10.2. Tab Text ═══ Enter the tab text. This can be the sane as the name, if desired. However, if the folder name is long, you may wish to have a shorter version of text that will fit in a small tab area on your folder. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 10.3. List in MOVE/COPY folder submenus ═══ Enable this setting to have this folder show up when you click the Right Mouse Button (RMB) on a message and select the arrow next to move. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 10.4. OK ═══ Accept the changes made to this window. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 10.5. Cancel ═══ Discard the changes made to this window. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 11. Address list ═══ This window allows you to select an address and controls the maintenance of your Address book. Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Pick list o Edit o Delete o Done o New o Cancel General help for forms/windows ═══ 11.1. Pick list 6001 ═══ Select a line here before selecting Edit or Delete o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 11.2. Edit ═══ Select a line and the Edit button to change the selected address book entry. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 11.3. Delete ═══ Select a line and the Edit button to remove the selected address book entry. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 11.4. Done ═══ Select Done to complete Address Book maintenance. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 11.5. New ═══ Select New to add a new entry to the Address Book. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 11.6. Cancel ═══ Cancel will cancel the window. However, it will NOT back out of any changes conducted during this Address Book maintenance session. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 12. Password ═══ This panel allows you to specify your POP3 password. Click for HELP with fields on this form: o POP3 Password o OK o Cancel General help for forms/windows ═══ 12.1. POP3 Password ═══ Enter your Post Office Protocol password here. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 12.2. OK ═══ Select OK to accept your password entry. If the POP3 protocol isn't used, do not fill in this field. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 12.3. Cancel ═══ Select Cancel to discard your password entry. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 13. Reply address ═══ This window is displayed when replying to a message where the From address is different from the Reply-To address. One address must be selected. Optionally, the other address can receive a carbon copy. Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Cancel o Reply-to o From o Send a carbon copy to the 'other' address General help for forms/windows ═══ 13.1. Cancel ═══ Select this button to cancel the reply. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 13.2. Reply-to ═══ Select this button to reply to the address specified in Reply-to header field of the original message. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 13.3. From ═══ Select this button to reply to the address specified in From header field of the original message. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 13.4. Send a carbon copy to the 'other' address ═══ Select this option to send a carbon copy to the address not selected as the primary recipient of this reply. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 14. Printers ═══ Select the printer you want output to go to and (optionally) define job properties. Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Printer list o OK o Cancel o Job Properties General help for forms/windows ═══ 14.1. Printer list ═══ Select the printer where output should go. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 14.2. OK ═══ Select this button to accept entries on this window. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 14.3. Cancel ═══ Select this button to discard entries on this window. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 14.4. Job Properties ═══ Select this button to specify job properties for the selected printer. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 15. POP3 Counter ═══ This window allows you to set the POP3 mail counter with the intent of making it the same as the value on the POP3 mail server. Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Counter o OK o Cancel General help for forms/windows ═══ 15.1. Counter ═══ Enter in the new POP3 message counter. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 15.2. OK ═══ Select OK to accept the value entered in this window. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 15.3. Cancel ═══ Select Cancel to discard the value entered on this window. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 16. Message ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Message o Reply Text o Reply o Close o Header o Foreward (">") o Font ("f") o Header Toggle ("h") o Back ("<") o Split ("-") General help for forms/windows ═══ 16.1. Message ═══ This is the message text. Clicking the Right Mouse Button (RMB) will bring up a context menu with additional options. Note: A web browser (defaults to Web Explorer) or FTP client (defaults to FTP.EXE) may be invoked by double-clicking on a URL, then selecting the appropriate option from the context menu. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 16.2. Reply Text ═══ Enter your message text here. Clicking the Right Mouse Button (RMB) will bring up a context menu with additional options. Note: A web browser (defaults to Web Explorer) or FTP client (defaults to FTP.EXE) may be invoked by double-clicking on a URL, then selecting the appropriate option from the context menu. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 16.3. Reply ═══ Select this button to generate a reply to this message. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 16.4. Close ═══ Select this button to discard the contents of this message. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 16.5. Header ═══ Select this button to modify the message header. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 16.6. Foreward (">") ═══ Select this button when replying to a message to return to the reply. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 16.7. Font ("f") ═══ Select this button to toggle between the configured font and a monospaced one. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 16.8. Header Toggle ("h") ═══ Select this button to toggle between showing the message header and hiding it. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 16.9. Back ("<") ═══ Select this button when replying to a message to show the original message. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 16.10. Split ("-") ═══ Select this button to toggle between split/screen and full screen mode when comprising a replying to a message. When in split/screen mode, the original message will occupy the top portion of the window; the message reply will occupy the bottom portion of the window. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 17. Tab Expansion ═══ This window allows you to specify how to handle tab characters. When enabled, Tabs convert to spaces. Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Tab Stops o OK o Cancel General help for forms/windows ═══ 17.1. Tab Stops ═══ Enter the number of space characters you want tab characters translated into. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 17.2. OK ═══ Selecting will accept the tab stops entry. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 17.3. Cancel ═══ Selecting this button will discard the tab stops entry. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 18. Edit search ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Search Text o Replace Word o Case Sensitive o Search o Replace o Replace All o Cancel General help for forms/windows ═══ 18.1. Search Text ═══ Enter the phrase you're looking for here. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 18.2. Replace Word ═══ When editing a message, you can enter a replacement phrase here. To delete a phrase, make sure this field is blank. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 18.3. Case Sensitive ═══ Select this option to make the search case sensitive. Deselect this option to match irregardless of case. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 18.4. Search ═══ Select this button to begin the search operation. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 18.5. Replace ═══ Select this button to execute a replace operation for the first match. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 18.6. Replace All ═══ Select this button to execute a replace operation for all matches. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 18.7. Cancel ═══ Select this button to cancel the search operation. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 19. Pick synonym ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Word o Words o Replace o Cancel o Look up o Insert o Append o More o Previous list General help for forms/windows ═══ 19.1. WORD ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 19.2. WORDS ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 19.3. Replace ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 19.4. Cancel ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 19.5. Look up ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 19.6. Insert ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 19.7. Append ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 19.8. More ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 19.9. Previous list ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 20. Pickword ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: o WORD o WORDS o OK o Cancel o Skip o Ignore this pass o Add to Dict General help for forms/windows ═══ 20.1. WORD ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 20.2. WORDS ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 20.3. OK ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 20.4. Cancel ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 20.5. Skip ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 20.6. Ignore this pass ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 20.7. Add to Dict ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 21. Print options ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: o TOP o LINES o LEFT o COLUMNS o Lpt1 o Lpt2 o Lpt3 o All o Block o Number the lines o OK o Cancel General help for forms/windows ═══ 21.1. TOP ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 21.2. LINES ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 21.3. LEFT ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 21.4. COLUMNS ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 21.5. Lpt1 ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 21.6. Lpt2 ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 21.7. Lpt3 ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 21.8. All ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 21.9. Block ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 21.10. Number the lines ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 21.11. OK ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 21.12. Cancel ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 22. Symbol chart ═══ This window allows you to easily enter symbols that don't exist on the keyboard. Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Symbols o OK o Cancel General help for forms/windows ═══ 22.1. Symbols ═══ Select a symbol from this area by either selecting it followed by OK, or double-clicking on it. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 22.2. OK ═══ Select OK to accept the symbol selected above. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 22.3. Cancel ═══ Select Cancel to discard the symbol selected above. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 23. Save file overwrite warning ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Append to existing file o Overwrite existing file o Cancel o None o Dashed Line o User-defined header o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 23.1. Append to existing file ═══ Select this option to append to the existing file. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 23.2. Overwrite existing file ═══ Select this option to overwrite the existing file. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 23.3. Cancel ═══ Select this option to cancel the write operation. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 23.4. None ═══ Write file write no header. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 23.5. Dashed line ═══ Write to file with a standard header, followed by a dashed line ("------"), followed by the text of the message. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 23.6. User-defined header ═══ Write file with user-defined header. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 24. Format Options ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Done o Wrap At o Spaces o Remove CR's o Remove Quoting o Rewrap o Indent o Add quoting o Sample General help for forms/windows ═══ 24.1. Done ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 24.2. Wrap At ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 24.3. SPACES ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 24.4. Remove CR's ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 24.5. Remove Quoting ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 24.6. Rewrap ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 24.7. Indent ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 24.8. Add quoting ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 24.9. Sample ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 25. Format Options2 ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Done o Wrap At o Spaces o Format o Sample o Off o Each line o First line General help for forms/windows ═══ 25.1. Done ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 25.2. WRAP AT ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 25.3. SPACES ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 25.4. Format ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 25.5. Sample ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 25.6. Off ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 25.7. Each line ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 25.8. First line ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26. Sorts ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: o No Sort o Natural o Date/Time o Subject o From user o To User o Ascending o Descending o Suppress duplicate text o No Sort o Natural o Date/Time o Subject o From user o To User o Ascending o Descending o Suppress duplicate text o No Sort o Natural o Date/Time o Subject o From user o To User o Ascending o Descending o Suppress duplicate text o Apply o Save o Cancel General help for forms/windows ═══ 26.1. No Sort ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.2. Natural ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.3. Date/Time ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.4. Subject ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.5. From user ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.6. To User ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.7. Ascending ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.8. Descending ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.9. Suppress duplicate text ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.10. No Sort ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.11. Natural ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.12. Date/Time ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.13. Subject ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.14. From user ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.15. To User ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.16. Ascending ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.17. Descending ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.18. Suppress duplicate text ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.19. No Sort ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.20. Natural ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.21. Date/Time ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.22. Subject ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.23. From user ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.24. To User ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.25. Ascending ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.26. Descending ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.27. Suppress duplicate text ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.28. Apply ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.29. Save ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 26.30. Cancel ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 27. Foldersort ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: o No Sort o Folder Description o Last Modified Date/Time o Number of entries o Ascending o Descending o Apply o Save o Cancel General help for forms/windows ═══ 27.1. No Sort ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 27.2. Folder Description ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 27.3. Last Modified Date/Time ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 27.4. Number of entries ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 27.5. Ascending ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 27.6. Descending ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 27.7. Apply ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 27.8. Save ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 27.9. Cancel ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 28. Listsearch ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: o TEXT o Ok o Cancel General help for forms/windows ═══ 28.1. TEXT ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 28.2. Ok ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 28.3. Cancel ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 29. Message Header Display ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Message Header o OK o Close General help for forms/windows ═══ 29.1. Message Header ═══ MR/2 ICE displays the message header here. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 29.2. OK ═══ Select accept changes made to the message header. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 29.3. Close ═══ Select Close to discard changes made to the message header. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 30. About ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: o 101 o DID OK General help for forms/windows ═══ 30.1. 101 ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 30.2. DID OK ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 31. Color select ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: o COLORS o Foreground o Background o OK o Cancel General help for forms/windows ═══ 31.1. COLORS ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 31.2. Foreground ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 31.3. Background ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 31.4. OK ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 31.5. Cancel ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 32. Colors ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: o COLORS o Background o Text o Quotes o Higlights o SAMPLE General help for forms/windows ═══ 32.1. COLORS ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 32.2. Background ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 32.3. Text ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 32.4. Quotes ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 32.5. Higlights ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 32.6. SAMPLE ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 33. Notimplemented ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: General help for forms/windows ═══ 34. Exit ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Yes o Esc=No General help for forms/windows ═══ 34.1. Yes ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 34.2. Esc=No ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 35. Login ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Signon name o Signon Password o OK o Cancel General help for forms/windows ═══ 35.1. Signon name ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 35.2. Signon Password ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 35.3. OK ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 35.4. Cancel ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 36. Change password ═══ This window allows you to change your email password on the server. Click for HELP with fields on this form: o New Signon Password o Verify New Password o OK o Cancel General help for forms/windows ═══ 36.1. New Signon Password ═══ Enter your new signon password here. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 36.2. Verify New Password ═══ Retype your new signon password. It must match what you typed the first time in order for MR/2 ICE to accept it. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 36.3. OK ═══ Accept the password entries made above, log into the server, and change the email password. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 36.4. Cancel ═══ Cancel the password change operation. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 37. Distribution Group Maintenance ═══ MR/2 ICE allows you to maintain a list of addresses as a group. This allows you to perform operations on groups of people as if they are one. This is primarily used when you want to send mail to a list of people on a regular basis. Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Group Name o To o Description o List in RMB popup menu o Save o Cancel o Add o Delete o Edit o Index General help for forms/windows ═══ 37.1. Group Name ═══ Enter the name of the Group here. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 37.2. To ═══ Enter the label describing the group recipients, for instance Multiple Recipients of MR/2 ICE Mailing List o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 37.3. Description ═══ Enter a group description here. MR/2 ICE does not make use of this field internally. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 37.4. List in RMB popup menu ═══ Enable this setting to have the group appear when you select the ? address popup in the TO, CC, or BCC address fields. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 37.5. Save ═══ Select Save to accept the entries on this window. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 37.6. Cancel ═══ Select Cancel to discard the entries on this window. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 37.7. Add ═══ Select Add to add a new email address to this group. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 37.8. Delete ═══ Select Delete to delete an email address from this group. Note: The address must be highlighted before delete. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 37.9. Edit ═══ Select Edit to modify an address entry in the distribution group. Note: The address must be highlighted before delete. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 37.10. Index ═══ Address book entries display here. Select a line here before executing an Edit or Delete operation. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38. Pcalc ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: o ID0 o ID1 o ID2 o ID3 o ID4 o ID5 o ID6 o ID7 o ID8 o ID9 o IDA o IDB o IDC o IDD o IDE o IDF o IDEQ o IDPLUS o IDMINUS o IDMULT o IDDIV o IDSHL o IDSHR o IDXOR o IDOR o IDAND o IDMOD o +- o IDNOT o BK o CE o CA o Decimal o Hex o Octal o Binary General help for forms/windows ═══ 38.1. ID0 ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.2. ID1 ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.3. ID2 ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.4. ID3 ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.5. ID4 ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.6. ID5 ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.7. ID6 ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.8. ID7 ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.9. ID8 ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.10. ID9 ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.11. IDA ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.12. IDB ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.13. IDC ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.14. IDD ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.15. IDE ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.16. IDF ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.17. IDEQ ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.18. IDPLUS ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.19. IDMINUS ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.20. IDMULT ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.21. IDDIV ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.22. IDSHL ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.23. IDSHR ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.24. IDXOR ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.25. IDOR ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.26. IDAND ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.27. IDMOD ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.28. +- ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.29. IDNOT ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.30. BK ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.31. CE ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.32. CA ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.33. Decimal ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.34. Hex ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.35. Octal ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 38.36. Binary ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 39. Group address entry ═══ This panel allows you to specify group address book entries. Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Address o Address enabled o Select from address book o Select from groups o Find an address file o OK o Cancel General help for forms/windows ═══ 39.1. Address ═══ Enter the email address here. You may enter a simple email address (such as nick@secant.com) or one of the more normalized forms which will show your real name (or any test message you wish), such as "Nick Knight" or nick@secant.com (Nick Knight) Alternatively, you can enter a tag from the address book. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 39.2. Address enabled ═══ Enable this option to cause distribution to this address as part of the list. Disabling will cause this addres to be ignored during email distributions, even though it is part of the list. Use this to temporarily remove addresses from the list. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 39.3. Select from address book ═══ This button allows you to lookup an email address from the address book. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 39.4. Select from groups ═══ This button alllows you to lookup an email address from another address group. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 39.5. Find an address file ═══ This option allows you to import a list of addresses from a file. MR/2 ICE stores a pointer in the Address Group. Whenever the group is used, MR/2 ICE accesses the file for a current list of addresses. This file should be a straight text file with addresses beginning in column 1 on each line. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 39.6. OK ═══ Accept the entries on this window. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 39.7. Cancel ═══ Discard the entries on this window. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 40. Registration ═══ ** REGISTRATION ** MR/2 ICE is a shareware package. The evaluation period is 30 days, and the usage fee is $25. There are three methods of registration: 1. Fill out REGISTER.DOC and mail it (or fax it if paying by credit card) 2. Register on-line via the OS/2 Shareware BBS (703) 385-4325 (or telnet into os2bbs.com. Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover are all accepted. 3. Register via BMT Micro at (800) 414-4268 with a credit card. You can also fax an order at (800) 436-1672. You can also reach BMT Micro by sending email to orders@bmt.wilmington.net or visiting their Web page at "http://www.wilmington.net/bmtmicro/info/placeorder.html". Registration Policy Register MR/2 ICE for $25 now. It will possibly go a tad higher if/when news is complete and feature-packed. You will get emailed a registration key that will prevent the 60-day nag screen and will possibly (later) enable some control over the X-Mailer line. Registration by an individual includes the capability of using this registered copy at home and/or at work. YOU are registered, not a particular machine or system. Once you are registered, I consider you a registered user. I will ask for no additional money up to a v2.0 release. I may not even after that, but I reserve the right to charge a nominal upgrade fee if enough functionality is added to warrant this. I have yet to do this with my QWK-based products, the text mode reader now at v2.25. I have devised a site license pricing tier. The Unlimited Site license is for a SINGLE COMPANY-LOCATION LICENSE only. You can always write me for a discussion. 5 User - $90 10 User - $160 25 User - $315 50 User - $425 For each user above 50 add $2 (e.g., 200 user = $425+(150*2) = $725) Site pricing is preliminary and subject to change. We can interpolate for in-between counts (e.g., 30 users at $330?). I'm basing these prices on a product I once purchased in this manner. I want to be reasonable, but still make a profit. Email me for more detailed discussion. Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Name o Serial Number o Registration Key o OK o Cancel General help for forms/windows ═══ 40.1. Name ═══ Enter your name here. Note: It must be entered exactly as your registration confirmation shows. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 40.2. Serial Number ═══ Enter the serial number as shown on your registration confirmation. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 40.3. Registration Key ═══ Enter the registration key as shown on your registration confirmation. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 40.4. OK ═══ Select this button to attempt to register MR/2 ICE with the information entered on this panel. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 40.5. Cancel ═══ Select this button to terminate the registration operation without completion. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 41. Find ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Ok o Cancel o Text o Field o Open first message that matches o Highlight all matches in index listing o Search only message from the previous search o Combine with list of previous messages General help for forms/windows ═══ 41.1. Ok ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 41.2. Cancel ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 41.3. TEXT ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 41.4. FIELD ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 41.5. Open first message that matches ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 41.6. Highlight all matches in index listing ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 41.7. Search only message from the previous search ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 41.8. Combine with list of previous messages ═══ o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 42. Working ═══ Click for HELP with fields on this form: General help for forms/windows ═══ 43. Filter Maintenance ═══ Filters allow MR/2 to perform actions on groups of messages which meet certain conditions. This can include copying the message to a folder, automatically replying to it, or routing it to a rexx procedure for handling. Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Description o Tag o Simple Search Type o Free-form Search Type o Rexx Search Type o Special search type o Smart search o Translate o Search All Areas o Search Header o Search Body o Search From o Search To o Search Subject o Search Simple Text o Search Free-form Text o Search Rexx Filespec o Search Rexx Filespec Find o Contains UUEncoded attachment(s) o Contains MIME attachment(s) o Contains BINHEX attachment(s) o Enable Message Size o Enable Message Lines o Message Size o Message Lines o Matches o Doesn't match o Always o Copy To Folder: o Destination Folder o New Folder o Auto-Reply o Auto-Reply Template o Auto-Forward o Auto-Forward Address o Notify Via Popup Window o Link To Secondary Filter o Link Filter o New Filter o Link to Rexx o Rexx Filename o Find Rexx Filename o Show in Inbox o Do not put in Inbox o Delete message NOW o Inbound o Outbound o Demand o Enabled o Ok o Cancel General help for forms/windows ═══ 43.1. Description ═══ Enter the filter description here. For instance, "MR/2 ICE Mailing List Filter". o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.2. Tag ═══ While enterable, this field is not currently used. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.3. Simple Search Type ═══ Simple search type searches the search area specified for the search string specified. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.4. Free-form Search Type ═══ Free-form search type allows entry of extended search criteria. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.5. Rexx Search Type ═══ Enable this option to have an external rexx procedure determine which messages to filter. The external rexx procedure should create mr2_rexx.$$$' if the message passed to it passes the filter condition. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.6. Special Search Type ═══ Special search type allows selection of messages by attachments and size. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.7. Smart Search Type ═══ No help currently available. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.8. Translate ═══ No help currently available. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.9. Search All Areas ═══ Search for the search string anywhere in the message. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.10. Search Header ═══ Search for the search string in the message header. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.11. Search Body ═══ Search for the search string in the message body. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.12. Search From ═══ Search for the search string in the message From field. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.13. Search To ═══ Search for the search string in the message To field. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.14. Search Subject ═══ Search for the search string in the message Subject. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.15. Search Simple Text ═══ Enter the string of characters which define this filter. If these characters are found in the search area , MR/2 ICE performs the actions defined for this filter. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.16. Search Free-form Text ═══ Specify complex boolean search logic here. Words can be OR'd together, AND'd together and/or NOT'd. In addition, parenthesis can be used to control the evaluations of the test. There is also an operator that will match a word, remaining sensitive to case. I've also added support for quoted strings so that spaces and the special boolean operator symbols can still be searched for. Some simple examples: (os/2 │ os2) & !warp (os/2 or os2) and not warp windows & os/2 windows and os/2 windows │ os/2 windows or os/2 ^warp warp, but only if all lower case letters The "operator" symbols follow the conventions used by C and C++ for boolean operations (plus two others): ┌────┬─────────────────────────┐ │& │The AND operator │ ├────┼─────────────────────────┤ │| │The OR operator │ ├────┼─────────────────────────┤ │! │The NOT operator │ ├────┼─────────────────────────┤ │() │Causes expressing │ │ │grouping │ ├────┼─────────────────────────┤ │^ │Case-sensitive match │ ├────┼─────────────────────────┤ │~ │Exact word match │ └────┴─────────────────────────┘ The following will find all messages that contain one or two different words referencing OS/2 that also mentions "bugs". if the message doesn't match under this criteria, then it is tested for the words "Windows" and "slow" in the same messages: ((OS/2 | OS2) & bugs) | (Windows & slow) The following is somewhat similar. It will also find all messages that contain one of two different words referencing OS/2 that also mentions "bugs". If the message is found to match, then it is tested for the words "Windows" and "slow" in the same messages. If these words are both found, however, the message is eliminated (compliments of the "!" NOT operator): ((OS/2 | OS2) & bugs) & !(Windows & slow) A few more examples: ObjectPM | "Object PM" spaces are ignored unless witin quotes "R&D" operator characters must be in quotes if part of a search string. R&D finds the single letters R and D, anywhere in the message. This likely isn't what you want. "(ch | 0xFF)" more special characters within quotes. The operator characters will be treated as any other characters. """Windows""" Looks funny? It will find the Windows in message but only if between quote marks. Two quotes together are treated as a single " mark, but they must still be part of an entire quoted string. Tricky? Maybe. Just know that ... ""Windows"" WILL NOT WORK, and that ... "can you say ""neighbor""?" will find the prase 'can you say "neighbor"?' The word neighbor must be within quotes to be concidered a match. "&Windoze" Soundex search for anything sounding similar to "Windows". ^warp | phasers Looks for the word "warp" in all lower case ONLY, or the word "phasers" ^NT | ^Nick Looks for the capital letters "NT" or the string "Nick" where only the N is capitalized. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.17. Search Rexx Filespec ═══ Enter the Rexx procedure filename which will handle selection criteria. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.18. Search Rexx Filespec Find ═══ Select this button to search for rexx procedures designed to aid the filtering process. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.19. Contains UUEncoded attachment(s) ═══ For special searches, enabling this setting will match all messages which contain UUE attachments. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.20. Contains MIME attachment(s) ═══ For special searches, enabling this setting will match all messages which contain MIME attachments. Note: Define an external rexx procedure to decode MIME messages since MIME is not supported internally at this time. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.21. Contains BINHEX attachment(s) ═══ For special searches, enabling this setting will match all messages which contain BINHEX attachments. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.22. Enable Message Size ═══ For special searches, enabling this setting will match all messages which are larger than a given Message Size o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.23. Enable Message Lines ═══ For special searches, enabling this setting will match all messages which are larger than a given Number Of Lines o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.24. Message Size ═══ Enter the number of characters which, if exceeded, cause a message to match this filter. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.25. Message Lines ═══ Enter the number of lines which, if exceeded, cause a message to match this filter. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.26. Matches ═══ Enable this setting to have the filter action executed when a message matches the filter condition. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.27. Doesn't match ═══ Enable this setting to have the filter action executed when a message doesn't match the filter condition. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.28. Always ═══ Enable this setting to have the filter action executed for every message. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.29. Copy To Folder ═══ Enable this action to cause MR/2 ICE to copy the current message to a folder specified in Destination Folder. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.30. Destination Folder ═══ Type in or select the destination folder for the message copy action. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.31. New Folder ═══ Select this button to create a new Destination Folder for the Copy To Folder action. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.32. Auto-Reply ═══ Enable this action to automatically reply to all messages which meet the filter selection criteria. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.33. Auto-Reply Template ═══ Specify the template used to automatically reply when the Auto-Reply action. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.34. Auto-Forward ═══ Enable this setting to automatically forward all messages which meet the filter selection criteria. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.35. Auto-Forward Address ═══ Enter the destination email address(es) to receive messages which meet the filter selection criteria. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.36. Notify via Popup Window ═══ Enable this setting to provide notification via a pop-up Window for all messages which meet the filter selection criteria. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.37. Link To Secondary Filter ═══ Enable this setting to pass all messages which meet the filter selection criteria through a second filter. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.38. Link Filter ═══ Enter or select the name of the secondary filter to apply when Link To Secondary Filter enabled. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.39. New Filter ═══ Select this button to create a new Link Filter for the Link To Secondary Filter action. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.40. Link to Rexx ═══ Enable this setting to pass all messages which meet the filter selection criteria to an external rexx procedure. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.41. Rexx Filespec ═══ Enter the external rexx procedure filename to handle messages which meet the selection criteria. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.42. Find Rexx Filename ═══ Select this button for a file dialog to search for an external rexx procedure. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.43. Show in Inbox ═══ Select this item to show messages which match the selection criteria in the in box. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.44. Do not put in Inbox ═══ Select this item to exclude messages which match the selection criteria from the in box. Note: Including the message in the inbox does not prevent it from being copied to a folder. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.45. Delete message NOW ═══ Select this item to immediately delete messages which match the selection criteria. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.46. Inbound ═══ Apply this filter to incoming messages. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.47. Outbound ═══ Apply this filter to outgoing messages. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.48. Demand ═══ Apply this filter on demand (when manually requested). o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.49. Enabled ═══ Enable this filter. To temporarily disable a filter, make sure this setting is disabled. To permanently disable a filter, delete it. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.50. Ok ═══ Select OK to accept the entries on this window. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 43.51. Cancel ═══ Select Cancel to discard the entries on this window. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 44. Advanced Features ═══ Specify advanced feature settings here. Click for HELP with fields on this form: o Translate 8-bit values to Quoted-Printable o ISO character set o Never MIME encapsulate o MIME encapsulate when 8-bit values exist o Always MIME Encapsulate o FTP Client o WEB Browser ═══ 44.1. Translate 8-bit values to Quoted-Printable ═══ This setting controls whether or not to convert characters in your message if your message contains 8-bit characters. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 44.2. ISO character set ═══ This setting controls which character set to use when converting 8-bit values in a message. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 44.3. Never MIME encapsulate ═══ This setting causes disabling of MIME encapsulation. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 44.4. MIME encapsulate when 8-bit values exist ═══ This setting causes MIME encapsulation out outgoing messages when a message contains 8-bit values. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 44.5. Always MIME Encapsulate ═══ This setting causes MIME encapsulation on all outgoing messages. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 44.6. FTP Client ═══ Specify the name of your FTP client (or a .CMD file which executes one). Default is Explore. Note: MR/2 ICE passes the URL as the first parameter. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 44.7. WEB Browser ═══ Specify the name of your WEB Browser (or a .CMD file which executes one). Default is Explore. Note: MR/2 ICE passes the URL as the first parameter. o Click here to see the general help panel for this screen o Click here for a general help panel on this type of fields ═══ 45. MB_MALFORMEDHEADER ═══ This is simply a warning informing you that MR/2 ICE had to look past what would normally be considered the message header to find reply-time values. When this warning is displayed, you should take care to check the Edit Header screen for correctness. Specifically, the TO and SUBJECT fields. ═══ 46. MB_MESSAGENOTCHANGED ═══ There were no apparent changes made to the text of the message you are asking to save. ═══ 47. MB_MUTUALLYEXCLUSIVEFLAGS ═══ ═══ 48. Empty Message Warning ═══ MR/2 ICE has deteched that the message you are trying to send has no text constituting the "body" of the message. While these messages are legal and do have their uses, most messages should have some type of text involved. ═══ 49. TO Field Required ═══ For any message, a target address is REQUIRED. Please supply a valid email address if the form user@domain.com. If the target user is within the same domain (for example, you both work at the same company, and both have "mycompany.com" as the domain) you can usually just supply the user name, less the domain. ═══ 50. Blank Subject Warning ═══ This is a warning message only. It is customary to label a message with text subject that the user can see before actually opening up the message. The subject should describe the message contents as best as it can in a simple, one line entry. This aids the user when scanning for messages inside index-type lists and/or when selecting messages from a mail server in "preview" mode. It is not required that a subject be provided, but the practice is common and highly recommended. ═══ 51. MB_NOFORWARDTEMPLATE ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 52. MB_CONFIRMADDRESSDELETE ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 53. MB_CHANGESNOTSAVED ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 54. MB_CONFIRMDELMESSAGE ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 55. MB_WRITEENTIREFILE ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 56. MB_TEXTNOTFOUND ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 57. MB_UUENCODINGERROR ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 58. MB_INSERTFILEERROR ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 59. MB_WRITEERROR ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 60. MB_MULTIPLEWINDOWOPEN ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 61. MB_DELETEMARKEDITEMS ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 62. MB_PRINTMARKEDITEMS ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 63. POP3 Message Counter Inconsistency ═══ MR/2 ICE has asked the POP3 server for the count of messages it holds for you. This number is LESS that the count that MR/2 has saved for you previously. It is apparent that you have removed messages from the POP3 server in some manner, probably via reading with another email client or from another location. If you wish to reset MR/2 ICE's internal pop3 counter to zero, which will result in all of the messages currently held on the server being fetched, select "OK". If you wish to accept the count returned from the POP3 servers as "current" and use this as a starting point for subsequent fetches, press "CANCEL". ═══ 64. MB_CLOSEALLANDEXIT ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 65. MB_CONFIRMPOP3PURGE ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 66. MB_FOLDERDIRERROR ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 67. MB_EDITBEFORESENDING ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 68. MB_WIPFILESFOUND ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 69. MB_NOSAVESENDFAILED ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 70. Existing TCP/OS2 Information Found ═══ A check of your OS/2 setup has located some existing TCP/IP (Internet Access Kit) settings. MR/2 ICE will attempt to load information from these settings as a starting point for its settings. These values will be displayed in the settings from that are displayed following this information box. Since the validity of this data is unknown, please check all the settings visually to insure a proper setup. ═══ 71. MB_BETAEXPIRED ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 72. MB_MAXRETRIES ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 73. MB_EXIT ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 74. MB_FILESAVED ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 75. MB_EDITORSAVECHANGES ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 76. MB_EDITORSECTIONERROR ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 77. MB_CONFIRMGROUPDELETE ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 78. MB_CONFIRMGROUPENTRYDELETE ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 79. MB_NOPRINTER ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 80. MB_REGISTRATIONFAILED ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 81. MB_FONTBUGPROMPT ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 82. MB_FONTOVERRIDDEN ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 83. MB_NEWPROFILEFAILED ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 84. MB_REBUILDINDEX ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 85. MB_REBUILDMARKEDITEMS ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 86. MB_LOGOUT ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 87. MB_UNSENTMAILEXISTS ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 88. MB_CONFIRMFILTERDELETE ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 89. MB_NOPSWDCONFIRM ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 90. MB_DELETEPROFILE ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 91. MB_REXXERROR ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 92. MB_BLANKOTHERPRINTER ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 93. MB_SELECTFORM ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 94. MB_SELECTMANUAL ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 95. MB_REGISTER ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 96. MB_SHOWERROR ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 97. MB_BADFROMADDRESS ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 98. MB_CONFIRMTEMPLATEDELETE ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 99. MB_CONFIRMASSOCDELETE ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 100. MB_MISSINGMIMEASSOC ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 101. MB_MISSINGPART ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 102. MB_MISSINGVIEWER ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 103. Potential UUEncoded Attachment Trouble ═══ This warning is issued when you attach a file via uuencoding and where that attachment's last line starts with a "." length character. This has proven to cause trouble with various combinations of POP3 servers and email clients, so MR/2 ICE suggests using MIME in these cases. Note that the odds of this happening are something like 1 in 72 files, so it does happen! ═══ 104. Notice: POP3 Message Count High ═══ If you receive the POP3 threshold notification message, Your POP3 message counter has exceeded the value specified as your warning threshold. All this means is that your POP3 server is holding messages for you that you may want to consider purging. The initial read mode set by MR/2 ICE is to NOT purge message from the server as they are read. This is regarded as "safer" for a new user trying out an unfamiliar email client (less likely to lose messages), but requires the operator to periodically purge messages manually. To purge messages from the server, using Message->Purge from server. Failure to do so will slow the new-mail polling process down, and (depending on your Internet service provider's policy) your POP3 mailbox may "fill up" and start rejecting messages. You may disable and/or modify the POP3 count warning threshold by selecting Options->Settings->Prompts. There are settings values maintainable there that control this feature. You may change the POP3 read mode to "Purge after read" by selecting Options->Settings->User preferences and checking the box labeled "Remove messages from server after they are fetched". There is no real danger in this mode; the default was simply chosen to be the more reduntant "save" mode. ═══ 105. General Form/Window Help ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 106. CellBox ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 107. CHECKBOX ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 108. PUSHBUTTON ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 109. RADIOBUTTON ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 110. WC_COMBOBOX ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 111. WC_ENTRYFIELD ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 112. WC_LISTBOX ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 113. WC_MLE ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 114. WC_SPINBUTTON ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 115. WC_VALUESET ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 116. Message Menu ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 117. Open Selected ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 118. New Message ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 119. Close Selected ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time. ═══ 120. List Menu ═══ No help is available for this panel at this time.